Rancher (1907 - c. 1911)Outlaw One of Jack's most dominant traits was his fast learning: at 4 years old, Jack already possessed basic literacy skills, and he learned the basics of fishing from Arthur Morgan. Born into a gang of criminals, Jack's upbringing was that the gang was family to him and he called most of them his aunts and uncles. Young Jack (oh, sorry, John Marston Jr.) was actually born into the Van der Linde gang in 1895. At some point, Lyle was killed and Arthur witnessed it, donning his hat afterwards.Around 1877, Arthur was picked up by Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews. If approached by a prostitute Jack will instead turn them down and may remark that his family would disapprove, showing that he still values the morals his family taught him. Gameplay Before Marston's son Jack was born in 1895, Williamson seems to have had a casual sexual relationship with Abigail Roberts, who John would later marry. Jack Marston is a recurring character in the Red Dead series, appearing as a central character and the secondary protagonist of Red Dead Redemption, and as a supporting character in Red Dead Redemption 2. Later that year, the Marston family reunited after John bought Beecher's Hope and subsequently built a ranch there, along with Uncle and Charles Smith, who helped John to build it. John "Jack" Marston, Jr., is the deuteragonist of the video game Red Dead Redemption, and a supporting character in its prequel Red Dead Redemption II. About Born to Be Free. He served as Rector of St. Paul's, Englewood, New Jersey, from 1978-1991. Jack's deep love for his family also ironically results in becoming the very thing his parents didn't want him to be: an outlaw. ... polite yet distant- as if the invitation was born of a whim rather than any true interest. Money, after all, could make anyone forget, even Jack Marston. John Marston was born in 1873. To the deer over his horse. Jack was then raised by his grandfather. During his childhood, Jack grew in the gang's life, and developed a close bound with John and Abigail's friends and fellow outlaws Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson, and Javier Escuella. Meeting Philip, Jack finally locates Ross down the river hunting ducks. May Have Written A Book. In a later incident, Jack helps his father in killing a wolf pack that threatened the ranch's cattle. Wishing to prove himself to his father, Jack decides to head up to Tall Trees and attempt to hunt down a grizzly bear by himself, despite John's warnings. Concerned with his father’s disapproval, he tries to prove himself with reckless tasks too dangerous for a young boy. During the ride there and back, Jack inquires his father about his meeting with the MacFarlanes, as well as revealing that it was his first time visiting Hennigan's Stead. What was the name of Arthur's son? In Blackwater, Jack approaches an agent called Howard Sawicki, who he tricks into telling him of Edgar Ross' whereabouts. John Marston (birth registered second ¼ 1948 – 13 March 2013) was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1960s and 1970s. ). John arrives with Rufus and kills the bear, before taking Jack back to the ranch. Red Dead RedemptionRed Dead Redemption 2 At some point in his youth, his mother committed suicide due to the unrequited love she felt for Edward. Abigail and Jack are then brought to John and Abigail's bedroom, where John leaves them with some food before leaving to find a cure for both. John Marston (birth registered second ¼ 1948[1] – 13 March 2013) was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1960s and 1970s. In his quest for revenge, Jack kept a rather calm and friendly demeanor, and had his anger in check, only showing his intense hatred for Ross when the latter dismissed John's death as his own fault upon being confronted. He also developed an intense hatred for the American government and its law enforcement organizations, deeming them the real criminals and the people responsible for the demise of his family. Jack, the son of John and Abigail Marston, was born into gang life. Oh what changes he saw! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Arthur says goodbye to Jack, telling the young boy to "be brave". Before being hogtied, Jack chases Rufus but fails to catch him. Jack Marston played in Wakefield Trinity's 11-22 defeat by Halifax in the 1971-72 Player's No.6 Trophy Final during the 1971-72 season at Odsal Stadium, Bradford on Saturday 22 January 1972.[2]. At the barn, Jack and Abigail are ordered by John to get on a horse and ride off as far as they can, who promises to join them after dealing with the attackers. When approached by a prostitute they will be disgusted with Jack and turn him down. Josh Blaylock (RDR, Undead Nightmare)Marissa Buccianti (child) (RDR 2) Ted Sutherland (pre-teen) (RDR 2) Visiting Don Julio, Jack meets Edgar's wife Emily, who greets him with a rant about how the government doesn't let Ross retire in peace, before apologizing and directing him towards the camp of Edgar and his brother Philip, close to the San Luis River. At some point in his life, he was part of the Boy Scouts, where he had the nickname "Pee Pants" due to an accident involving another boy hitting him in the groin. https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Jack_Marston?oldid=414748. Note: The events of Undead Nightmare are not considered part of the same canon as Red Dead Redemption. John “Jack” Marston Jr, was born in 1895 and is still very young during the events of RDR2. John's father was blinded in both eyes during a bar fight south of Chicago at some stage, and loved to talk about Scotland and how he hated the English for what they did to his great-grandparents, although he never met them.In 1881, John's father passed away… Jack was a bright young man who spent most of his time reading different books that further expand his knowledge. Nationality When played with low Honor, Jack is the only character in the. Family and friends can light a candle as a loving gesture for their loved one. Jack and John fight more waves of soldiers before running off to the barn with Abigail. Jack was born to Chloe Morton after her relationship with Edward Coventry- though Edward was unaware of his birth. Jack Marston is known for his work on EuroTrip (2004), Houdini (1998) and Marathon (1980). Unfazed by Ross' threats to kill him, Jack challenges the older man to a final duel. At Nekoti Rock, Jack is badly injured by a bear and his mount is killed in the process. Jack can be found as an NPC at Beecher's Hope between the mission "The Outlaw's Return" and "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed". Van der Linde gang (c. 1899)Marston family The following description is therefore not contiguous with the preceding section on Red Dead Redemption. Every weapon, horse, safehouse, Honor, Fame, bounty, and outfit that John had is carried over to Jack. By his own admission, he greatly enjoyed reading about wild adventures and brave heroes, which gave him a more romanticized view on the Old West, and his remarks in 1914 suggest he looked up to the legendary Landon Ricketts. Ross had Abigail and Jack taken away, and forces John to wipe out his old gang, built up of Javier Escuella,Bill Williamson, and Dutch van der Linde. Jack practicing his aiming skills, with John by his side. The next day, Jack and his father visit MacFarlane's Ranch, owned by John's friends Drew and Bonnie MacFarlane, to purchase cattle from them. Jack Marston was born in the world of outlaws. J… The family also brought a dog called Rufus, who Jack took a liking to. A major theme of his character is his sense of inferiority when compared to his father John, a veteran and experienced gunslinger and hunter. Game His hairstyle appears fairly similar to when he has a child, but he now wears a white button-up shirt and a vest. This may be due to the fact that Jack Marston has his hat and most of the outfits Marston gets has his signature hat. Jack appears as a supporting character in Undead Nightmare; he is first shown sitting with his mother at the Marston residence, reading a book while discussing swearing with Abigail. During their ride back home, John expresses disappointment in his son's actions, while Jack argued at his father's sparse involvement in his life. Memorial donations may be made to the Youth Group of … Jack and his father embrace for the last time, Jack Marston injured after trying to kill a bear by himself, Jack Marston reading a book in the family room, Jack Marston joking with his mother while reading a book, Jack Marston describing the book he's reading to his father, Jack Marston running outside when his father calls for him, Jack and Abigail rising after succumbing to the infection, An infected Jack tied up in his parents bedroom with a plate of food, Jack and John trying to help a poisoned Rufus in the mission ". According to John, his father was possibly her pimp. Jack and Edgar Ross are the only central characters in the series to appear in all four time periods: 1899 and 1907 in, Jack and Ross meet only two times, during ". He was also the only member of the Marstons who seemed to be in a constant positive relationship with Uncle, who taught him several inappropriate things much to John's disapproval. In the year 1911, John was approached by Edgar Ross, a governmental official whose position of power is never explicitly revealed. Jack's dialogue with pedestrians will be more friendly but also jaded and somewhat somber. Biography Jack holstering his handgun after killing Ross. Jack is first playable during the final sequence of the mission "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed"; he is limited to only riding his horseback to the Marston Ranch, and it is the only time where his 16 years-old self is controlled by the player. Soon after moving to the ranch, Jack went fishing with his father and was later present for his parents' wedding, where John later states how happy Jack seemed. A nineteen year old Jack, fresh after burying his mother. By already this time, Jack has begun to read books, which were often hidden by Williamson and Van der Linde. His mother, Abigail, was a prostitute who was brought into the gang through Uncle. Jack was born to John Marston and Abigail Roberts, and spent much of his early life in Dutch van der Linde's gang. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant that was born on the boat into New York, while his mother was a prostitute who passed away during John's birth. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant and his mother was a prostitute who died during childbirth. The tender moment between the two is cut short by a wide-scale attack from the U.S. Army, U.S. Following the completion of the aforementioned mission, Jack becomes the player-controlled character for the remainder of the game. With this, Jack departs Blackwater. number 3 or 4. "Fond farewell to Jack the tenacious Trinity tackler", Search for "Marston" at rugbyleagueproject.org, Fond farewell to Jack the tenacious Trinity tackler, Photograph 'Jackie Marston tries to break' at rlhp.co.uk, Photograph 'Jack Marston in the clear' at rlhp.co.uk, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jack_Marston&oldid=969748957, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 July 2020, at 06:06. As the child of John and Abigail, Jack lived his early years around the various members of the Van der Linde gang such as Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Hosea Matthews, Arthur Morgan, Uncle, and even Dutch van der Linde, among others. Aus.. Nellie was born circa 1874. He also cared deeply for his mother Abigail, who worried about Jack's condition after the two were released from the Bureau control. A comment from Jack himself in 1907 suggests the gang not only cared about him a lot and tried to keep him out of their illegal activities, but also avoided mentioning them to the boy, yet Jack still managed to deduce something about it by himself. In 1899, Jack is a fairly average four-year-old boy with thick brown hair and faint freckles on his face. He wears a dark grey vest, a blue and white vertically striped shirt, and brown pants. Bet he was complaining bout civilization during watergate lol! In 1914, three years after John and Uncle's deaths, Abigail dies of unknown causes and Jack buries her. Player choice. Jack is ordered to stay in the house with his mother while John and Uncle fight off the invaders. Later that year, with the gang on the brink of demise, John is shot and injured during a train robbery and left to die by his former brothers-in-arms, and Abigail is kidnapped by Agent Milton, although Dutch refuses to rescue her. In 1914, Jack's appearance is radically different. In a single moment, Jack guns down Ross and avenges his family's misfortune once and for all. Sometime after helping both Abigail and Uncle, John takes time with teaching Jack hunting and skinning. Afterward, John takes Jack to Manzanita Post to teach him about selling meat and furs. As the player character, Jack shares most of his animations with his father but is provided with his own unique voice and lines, which tend to include references to his father, mother, Uncle, Landon Ricketts, lawmen, and animals. He saw the gang as his uncles and aunts, who watched over his growth and shielded his innocence from their more nefarious actions. Nicknames In 1911, Jack's appearance is roughly the same, only a few years older, though his hair has grown a bit longer. 18:38, June 25, 2011 (UTC)flammies Did Jack Marston fight in WW1? His parents, John and Abigail, were both members of Dutch's Gang. Husband Ross William Marston Born: 4 June 1887 - Oregon Married: March 1914 - Sandy, Clackamas, Oregon Died: 1943 - Oregon Father: Colby R. Marston Mother: Clara E. Eby Other Spouses: Wife Vira Agnus Douglas Born: 16 March 1896 - Eagle Creek, Clackamas, Oregon Died: 19 November 1989 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon Father: David W. Douglas Mother: Minnie Jane Flinn Other Spouses: … His love for books and stories prompted him to aspire to become a writer or a scholar, which his parents partly approved, as they also wished for him to be a rancher. Thomas was born on October 5 1777, in Pittsfield, Merrimack, NH. The two go on a hunting trip with Rufus and take down a pair of elk. He is also capable of using the Dead Eye Targeting. Here is Jack Emory’s obituary. John Marston Jr., better known as Jack, was born in 1895 as the first child of outlaw John Marston and prostitute Abigail Roberts, two members of the Van der Linde gang. After being untied, Jack and Abigail embrace John. His grief and loneliness appear to have developed a severe case of depression and self-loathing. 1899 The death of his family and the decline of the Marston ranch, all happening in a very short amount of time, greatly darkened Jack's personality. Affiliations Hunting KnifeRepeater CarbineBolt Action RifleVarious weapons He is now a fully grown adult, aged 19, and sports a mustache and a goatee. John's father died in 1881, when John was only 8 years old. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. With Ross' death, Jack looks at his gun sombrely, realizing he's close to becoming an outlaw, the very same life his parents tried to have him avoid. Jack gets his own take on the game's default outfit, the Cowboy Outfit, which sees him wearing a beige jacket. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant who was born on the boat to New York, while his mother was a prostitute, who died during John's birth. This led Jack to feel insecure and frightful whenever John approached him and made him all the more desperate to prove his worth to both his father and himself. JackJackieLancelot Milton (?) Abigail first appears after traveling with the rest of the Van der Linde gang through the mountains following their botched ferry heist in Blackwater, taking shelter in an abandoned mining town. Jack Marston made his début for Wakefield Trinity (replacing Neil Fox who had been sold to Bradford Northern the previous day) in the 8-11 defeat by Featherstone Rovers at Post Office Road, Featherstone on Saturday 23 August 1969. American Although he was the group's weakest link, he was dearly and carefully watched by his aunts and uncles. Jack's general attitude, character and personality in 1914 is very reflective of the player's honor level. In 1899, a botched train robbery leaves Marston wounded and left for dead by Dutch. They had returned to West Elizabeth in 1907 and were notably stationed at Pronghorn Ranch for a time, where Abigail and Jack temporarily left John after the former was unsatisfied with John’s actions. John Marston was born on month day 1810, at birth place, New Hampshire, to Thomas Marston and Mary or Rachel Marston (born Mary-Rowell / Rachel-Dow). Tilly then rides away with Jack, who is unaware that it would be the last time he saw Arthur, due to his advanced tuberculosis. Actor Jack first appears reuniting with his father after John finished his business with the Bureau of Investigation and is allowed to return back to the Marston Ranch. TransitoryPronghorn Ranch (temporarily; 1907)Beecher's Hope (1907- c.1914) Marston was born to John and Maria Marston née Guarsi, and baptised October 7, 1576 at Wardington, Oxfordshire. Additional info His mother died when he was very young, and his father was a petty criminal and outlaw, who was arrested for larceny in 1874 when Arthur was 11 years old. With the addition of the Liars and Cheats DLC pack, Jack Marston is also a multiplayer character model that may be selected in the 'Redemption' section of the Outfitter. His fate after John's death and return as undead are unknown, and he can't be found anywhere. Gender Biography. A piece of cloth from her favourite dress A flower A news paper article Her glove 6. In 1911, Jack and Abigail were taken hostage by Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham, two senior agents of the Bureau of Investigation, using them as leverage against John so that he would hunt down Bill, Javier, and Dutch. Family Dutch’s eyes had wandered to his bow more than his face. John's father was once blinded in both eyes during a bar fight south of Chicago. His hair now reaches his shoulders and he has taken to wearing his father's hat. Arthur Morgan was born in 1863 to Beatrice and Lyle Morgan. Abigail's dialogue implies Jack was returned to normal after her. A worried Jack rushes to help his mother but is quickly infected as well, prompting John to hogtie them. Now a nineteen-year-old gunslinger and the spitting image of his father with similar skill in combat, Jack decides to hunt down his father's killer. Viewing him as a surrogate father figure, Arthur came t… The whole operation was going smoothly; Jack was to abduct a cow from the ranch, and bring it to the outskirts of the ranch where an outlaw from the Bollard Twin's gang would be awaiting his arrival with a hefty price for his troubles. Jack married Gwendolyn Dorothy Bone (born Pudney) on month day 1931, at age 23 at marriage place. Later that night, the Marston family are attacked by an undead Uncle, who manages to bite and infect Abigail, before being finished off by John. Jack Marston; Bandits & Outlaws; The End of the Wild West; Summary. 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