It also explains more of Chomper and Ruby and how they got into the Great Valley and why Red Claw, Screech, and Thud are after them. Since Petrie is so small, Ichy decides that he barely has enough meat for himself and should thus eat Petrie by himself. Percy "King" Dimplewade | Features villains Ozzy, Strut, Rinkus, Sierra, Dil, and Ichy, as well as Yellow Bellies and others. Dil hits Ichy with her tail and sends him flying into the distance. TeethClawsBeakTalons Share. Ichy and Dil | Land Before Time > Ichy totally eyerapes Dil! Ichy threatens the heroes, saying, "SURPRISE! Their main goal in the film is to eat Littlefoot and his friends, which would unknowingly prevent them from bringing the Night Flowers to Littlefoot's sick grandfather. Ichy is the leader, and Dil is the follower. Therefore, Dil, when pointed in the direction of the prey, nabs them/it, and calls herself "the teeth". Their main goal in the film is to eat Littlefoot and his friends, which would unknowingly prevent them from bringing the Night Flowers to Littlefoot's sick grandfather. [1] Rod Gustafson said on Parent that the violence shown during the sequences in which the children are fighting Ichy and Dil off is reminiscent of Saturday-morning cartoons. To top things off, he displays several evil grins and even possesses an evil laugh that he unleashes once during the climax of the movie, indicating the level of his evil, and he seems to care about no one other than himself, further cementing his sociopathy. He is shown to be faster than Petrie. Because Ichy has sharper eyesight than Dil, he finds food for the two of them, and calls himself "the eyes". Mott Street Maulers (Digit) | He can catch up to Littlefoot and his friends. By: Elise Lowing. Littlefoot notices a longneck herd entering Great Valley, and informs his grandparents. Origin Ichy is a male Ichthyornis, known as a "Sharp Beak" to the characters in the series, and Dil is a female Deinosuchus, known as a "Bigmouthed Belly Dragger" or simply "Belly Dragger" to the characters in the series. Dr. Victor Frankenstein | But as they begin to move, Ichy flies up beside Littlefoot and mockingly tells him that he is going to be his and Dil's next victim, calls him "diet delight" in the process, and even unleashes an evil laugh immediately after. It features anthropomorphic dinosaurs living in a somewhat fantasy-based version of prehistoric earth. Mar 19, 2019 - Ichy and Dil are the two main antagonists of The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. Pretty soon, the group came upon a deep gorge with a river flowing down below. Soon after this, Ali tries to save Cera on her own, and when Ichy notices this, he makes an attempt to eat her himself, flying toward her and swooping down on her, his tongue hanging out of his beak in hunger. They are enemies with Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Ali, Archie, Tickles, and possibly everyone in Ali's Herd. Crimes Dil and Ichy: Former Friendly Sharpteeth? But it is not until she takes enough of his verbal abuse that she is finally able to stand up to him more fully and reject him near the end of the movie, when she flings him away with her tail. Production Species The Land Before Time » General Land Before Time » Character Discussion » Dil and Ichy: Former Friendly Sharpteeth? Ali laughs at his comical situation as she walks away, and then rides a confused Dil to rescue Cera and gets them both to safety. There is another photo manipulation project I'm working on that requires shots o We had a deal." Can you make it to shore on your own or do I need to come and get you? Their main goal in the film was to eat Littlefoot and his friends. Ichy calls himself "the eyes" because he guides Dil and tells her where to go with his sharp eyesight, and he relies on Dil because he is too small to catch his own … Ichy and Dil were the main antagonists of direct-to-video animated film The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists in 1995. Dil and formerly Ichy were the Big Bads of the Land Before Time 4 Journey through the mists. Ichy (who sees Cera) then thanks the kids for the shortcut to dinner (saying, "THANKS FOR GIVING US THAT SHORTCUT...! The two are seen for the final time in the movie when they finally arrive for their third attempt on Littlefoot and his friends. Ichy startles Dil when he lands on her head, and when she asks him how he could startle her like that, knowing she has extremely poor eyesight, he simply chalks it up to having "a mean streak." TLBT (c) Don Bluth/Universal Pictures Dil is nearly blind, which is why she is dependant on Ichy to find food for her. Dil and Ichy appear in The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. They both get into a brief argument over losing track of Littlefoot and Ali, and this argument leads into their Broadway-esque villain song, "Who Needs You?" Edit. Yes. Tickles foils Ichy's attempt to eat Petrie. But before they vanished out of sight, something grabbed Ali by the tail and Ken by his gym bay, and hoisted them out of the water. Eat Littlefoot and his friends (failed).Prevent Littlefoot and his friends from bringing the Night Flowers to Grandpa Longneck (unknowingly failed). It is not till sometime that night that Dil finally rests up long enough to get Ichy out of the tree, although when Ichy demands that she help him, she first tells him to get himself out, which Ichy refuses to do since he does not wish to risk ruining his feathers. Their main goal in the film was to eat Littlefoot and his friends. The rocks knock the predators out, and Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, and Ali escape the cave, led to the exit by Archie. List of The Land Before Time Villains' deafet/gallery. Meat Hobbies Despite being the main antagonists, they do not actually appear until about 23 minutes into the film and have only around 15 minutes of screen-time. Dil is a Deinosuchus, one of many crocodilians called "Belly Draggers" in the series. He also clearly sees Dil not as a partner or even a friend, but someone to use to get his meals, and nothing more. Ichy and Dil. This is their theme music or should I say the bad guys theme music. Main Article: Ichy and Dil Ichy and Dil were the antagonists in The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. Norvirus Raccoon | Features villains Ozzy, Strut, Rinkus, Sierra, Dil, and Ichy, as well as Yellow Bellies and others. Status Voice actor(s) Warren T. Rat | The two constantly argue about who is better and say that they do not need each other, even though it is painfully obvious to both that they do. They are unable to get along very well, and likely only work together when hunting because each has particular advantages and disadvantages over the other. This prompts Littlefoot to lead Cera, Spike, Ali, and Tickles down to help her. Dil quietly swears that she will get him for his treatment of her "one of these days" while she repeatedly bumps into several trees and rocks without Ichy to guide her along their path. (telling them that the only place that they are going is the pits of his and Dil's stomachs). Ichy is an annoying light blue Ichthyornis called a sharpbeak. SHOW COMMENTS (0) Why Is This One Of Your Favorites? Partners in Crime However, they didn't lose sight of their tracks. And for the last time Ground Scraper, these Tickly Fuzzies are mine! What makes her significantly less evil than Ichy is that despite her clear annoyance with him, she does seem to care about his safety at least a bit more than he seems to care about hers (demonstrated by her actually looking surprised and regretful at her nearly devouring him at the climax of the movie). In addition, while she, too, sees Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Ali, Archie, and Tickles as food, she does not seem to engage in taunting or mocking them like Ichy does, nor does she seem to relish in any particular suffering through which she and Ichy might put them. Ichy calls himself "the eyes" because he guides Dil and tells her where to go with his sharp eyesight, and he relies on Dil because he is too small to catch his own food. Ichy muttered. Ichy and Dil are the main villains from The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. Attempted murderKidnappingChild abuse Dil's defeat. Ichy and Dil are the main antagonists of The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. Male (Ichy)Female (Dil) Together However, because of Ichy's weak flying and Dil's poor vision, they quickly lost sight of them within a matter of seconds. Ichy responds that he sees him as more of the first course, and after ordering Dil to "tenderize" Archie, he and Littlefoot are chased by the villains yet again. A gallery containing a variety of images pertaining to Ichy and Dil. In addition, while Dil acts like a more obvious, pragmatic, feral predator, Ichy could possibly be a more sociopathic predator, given that he not only sees Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Ali, Archie, and Tickles as food, but he also takes great pleasure in taunting, mocking, and even threatening them before trying to eat them, something that most sociopathic villains would often do either before or while inflicting suffering or death upon their victims. Dil calls herself "the teeth" because of her strength and her ability to fight, but despite her size, she has bad vision and needs Ichy to guide her. Woody Woodpecker Villains, "And I need you like a kick in the butt!". Dil eventually becomes so angry with Ichy insulting her that she smacks him off into the distance with her tail, only to pump into a Elasmosaurus that went apparently unnoticed by her, Ichy, and the kids until that point. He also appears to be very intelligent and sneaky. Steele | At the same time, something large came out of nowhere and smacked her away. Pooh's Adventures of The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists is the third sequel to Pooh's Adventures of The Land Before Time and Ash's Adventures of The Land Before Time planned to be made by Daniel Esposito. Dil has red eyes and Ichy has yellow eyes. Neither says anything, though, as they quietly observe the "baby Longnecks," as Ichy later calls them. They appear to be constantly complaining to each other about their hunger and blaming each other whenever plans of theirs go wrong. See image of Tress MacNeille, the voice of Dil in The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists (Movie). Dil Botticelli Remorso | Ichy is a light-blue Ichthyornis (called a "sharp beak" by the characters). It isn't until the end of the movie when they finally have had enough of each other, and finally split up. - Share … Rinkus is a Rhamphorhynchus and Sierra is a Cearadactylus.. Rinkus is voiced by Rob Paulsen, who also voiced Strut from The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure and Broccoli Overlord from The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying … Ichy. Ichy followed her and grabbed Harry. Neutral They work as partners to catch their food to set aside their disadvantages. DreamWorks Villains | Ichy and Dil are the main villains from Pooh's Adventures of The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. But just as he is about to take a bite out of him, Tickles intervenes by sliding Dil's tail between Petrie's belly and Ichy's beak, igniting Dil's temper when she thinks that Ichy bit her on purpose. She does not seem to act inherently evil (despite displaying an evil grin or two herself), but simply like a hunter looking for her next meal. Illumination Villains | Br'er Fox | However, they are finally seen and heard speaking soon after a cave-in in the cave causes Littlefoot to be separated from Ali. Littlefoot is initially saved by Archie, who tells the predators to back off, claiming that Littlefoot is merely a snack, while he is a meal. Ichy and Dil. The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists is a 1996 animated film directed by Roy Allen Smith. Ichy may have an obsession with keeping his feathers nice because when trapped in the tree, when Dil asked him to get himself out (presumably he could), he replies "And ruin my feathers?" Unfortunately for him, Ali sees him and ducks from him just in time, and he ends up with his head stuck in a rotted-out tree. Yellow (Ichy)Red (Dil) The chase reaches its climax once it leads to a log over a ravine. Eat Littlefoot and his friends (failed). He also has a tendency to refer to the heroes as various terms relating to food, such as "the first course" (to Archie), "dinner" (about Cera when he and Dil are pursuing her in the river), "those rotten little edibles" (about Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Ali, and Tickles while they pelt him and Dil with rocks), "dessert" (about Ali when he catches sight of her attempt to rescue Cera), "skimpy snack" (about Petrie before he attempts to eat him), and "diet delights" (to Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Ali, and Tickles before he is struck by Spike). His jaws are strong enough to be able to hurt Dil. Alias Dil is the leader, and Ichy is the comic relief. Machines (Cat Beast, Winged Beast, Seamstress, Steel Behemoths, Seeker Drones & Spiderbots) | Serpent | Dil is one of the two main antagonists of The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists alongside Ichy. Ichy: Gets swatted away by Dil's tail, fate after that is unknown. This is focused on in their song: "Who Needs You?". Dil has red eyes and Ichy has yellow eyes. Ichy and Dil from Land Before Time. Dil and Ichy appear in The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. ...TO DINNER!"). Dil is a nearly blind teal green Deinosuchus called a big-mouthed bellydragger. Entering Great Valley, and calls himself `` the eyes '' 's father her!, Ducky is not out of all archelons in the near future showing them a shortcut in the Before!, when pointed in the film was to eat Littlefoot and his friends bringing... Make it to shore on your own or do I need to come get. Came upon a deep gorge with a river flowing down below Ichy use to... 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