You have to re-arrange your whole life You can head to the gym when most of the membership is busy at work. Re:pros/cons 2nd shift Have you ever thought about working home health? 5. Working from anywhere is one of the best reasons to consider this employment arrangement. When it comes to working hours, shift work creates numerous productivity advantages – but it also comes with inherent risks. Despite all of that, I'm the type of person who doesn't sleep until 3am and get up around 11 in the afternoon. It is against conventional standards to work a shift outside the typical 9 to 5 that most workers enjoy. They believe that the pros outweigh the cons. Posts Tagged: Pros and Cons of Working Second Shift Benefits of Working a Second Shift Job. Re:pros/cons 2nd shift Have you ever thought about working home health? Summary: Pros and Cons of Night Shift vs Day Shift. 4. If I had to, and buses ran all night, I would work 3rd shift. Most third-shift employees tend to work on their own, in silence, without access to outside resources. You have to re-arrange your whole life Engineering, Marketing, Management and IT are only some of the areas that consultancy can be applied to. Pros: Usually you end up in a more peaceful work environment. Man nurses if they’re working 12 hour shifts will work 3 shifts a week for a total of 36 hours. Something to keep in mind is that some facilities do require nurses to get at least 40 hours … You appreciate the day shift more. How can organisations support their leaders to cope with stress? The 9-to-5 life has its benefits, except when it comes to certain errands. Pros: You get to sleep in. Then the cycle starts again the following Monday. I worked night shift for 8 months. In my opinion disadvantage of working in second shift is you do not get evening time to move around and meet friends. Easy commute as you are going in when it is quiet and going home against the morning commuters. When there are multiple shifts available for workers, then it allows people to apply for a position that works best for their schedule. Let’s go through some pros and cons of 9/80 work schedule. But what about second-shift workers? The job he's applied for is 4 days on, 4 off, 4 nights on, 4 off etc etc, 12 hour shifts. Favorite Answer. When you’re sleeping in, you won’t have to worry about gridlock and bumper-to-bumper traffic keeping you from your job. Pro for employers The biggest advantage the compressed work week offers for employers is the ability to overlap shifts. Sort by. Whether the thought of working overnight frightens or interests you, check out these pros and cons for night shift nurses: Pros of Night Shift Nursing. I hate getting up so early in the morning to go to work 1st shift, and 2nd shift would make me miss out on the great stuff that goes on in the evenings (hang out with friends, have fun, go out, etc). It can change sleeping habits. When you join a field like light industrial work or nursing, you’re accepting that shift work becomes a part of your life. Here's what we know about the second stimulus payment delivery schedule, including a … While short shifters are great, they do come with a con or two. While being a leader has many benefits, the role also comes with tremendous pressure. We can think of a few pros and cons of these hours, like he'll have more full days at home and be able to spend more time with the kids, but I'll probably have to do bedtime by myself quite a … That means you’re working from an abnormal routine and at work when most other people are enjoying prime-time TV, BBQ parties, and other fun activities. People who work 9–5 usually stay up until 10:00 or 11:00 at night anyway. Everyone Else Is Off – While many of your friends and family are out enjoying themselves, you are stuck at work. 2. 3rd shift. Working Graveyard/Night Shift SUCKS (Pros and Cons on Working Graveyard) - Duration: 8:11. They even need to bring their own food from home in most instances since getting lunch at 4am can be a difficult ask. Every shift has its pros and cons; here are four benefits in choosing to work the 2nd shift. 8- vs. 12- Hour Nursing Shifts It is about time to have a comprehensive look at the real work from home pros and cons and see what is behind the popular job trend.. 6. By working outside of the normal 8-5 time frame, people can drive to work without the same stress and traffic issues that come during rush hour. If you work in the evening, then you can go to the movies in the morning. With second shift you are still on the same basic sleep pattern of most of the country and probably most of your friends. Bilingual education provides students with more of … Bilingual education in Early age l Pros/Cons l Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education l pro and cons of learning a second language l early English education pro and cons Wisdom develops from personal experiences. Everyone Else Is Off – While many of your friends and family are out enjoying themselves, you are stuck at work. - Equal Opportunity Employer - ASA Member, Turning a Temporary Placement into a Career, 6 Red Flags the Job You’re Applying for is No-Good, How to Balance Hiring for Quality and Filling Jobs Fast. 4. In particular, workers on the night shift have to face the pros and cons of working odd hours while also attempting to preserve their work-life balance; such a drastic change of schedule can work both ways, after all.. Here are the pros and cons of working remotely to review. 9 Pros and Cons of Being a Social Worker By Abhay May 5, 2020 A career that is devoted to helping people, societies as well as families to uplift their personal and communal welfare is known as social work, and whoever chooses this career are called the social worker. Consulting is generally understood as the profession of giving expert advice to companies. Commuting to work is a headache in itself for some workers. Cons to working from home According to recent research done by Twingate of over 1,000 employees, remote employment is causing them to lose sense of a work-life balance. It can become repetitive and boring. It offers lifestyle benefits. I hate getting up so early in the morning to go to work 1st shift, and 2nd shift would make me miss out on the great stuff that goes on in the evenings (hang out with friends, have fun, go out, etc). Lumen Gentium, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, famously calls the Eucharist — the Mass — “the source and summit” of Christian life.But what is a Catholic to do when Mass (indirectly) is also the source and summit of one’s weekly frustration? That means you’re working from an abnormal routine and at work when most other people are enjoying … Cons: 1. Easy commute as you are going in when it is quiet and going home against the morning commuters. Check out our comprehensive list to help you decide. With findings like employees attending many more meetings than they had pre-work from home. This thread is archived. 3 Cons Of Working Weekends 1. All rights reserved. When you wake up to go to work, it seems like you just came from there! Our article, “ What I Wish Someone Told Me BEFORE Becoming a Registered Nurse ,” asks current nurses to share the things they think would-be nurses need to know before getting started. For many, receiving a second stimulus check before Jan. 15 will be a race against the clock. Depending on your actual shift times, you might have the opportunity to pick up a second job and work a few hours a couple of days a week to bring in some extra income without feeling strained. Don’t Miss Anything! Your bedroom needs … Learning more about the potential pros and cons of 12-hour shifts in nursing is a good start, but there’s plenty to learn about becoming a registered nurse. This can create tension between the various shifts. Usually, second shift employees clock in between 4 pm – 5 pm and clock out around 1 am. ", Uber SWOT Analysis for 2021: 23 Major Strengths and Weaknesses, Netflix SWOT Analysis (2021): 23 Biggest Strengths and Weaknesses, Tesla SWOT Analysis (2021): 33 Biggest Strengths and Weaknesses, 14 Core Values of Amazon: Its Mission and Vision Statement, Is AliExpress Legit and Safe: 15 Tips for Buyers, How Does Zoom Make Money: Business Model Explained, A Look at Southwest Airlines Mission Statement: 10 Key Takeaways, Apple’s Mission Statement and Vision Statement Explained, How Does WhatsApp Make Money: Business Model & Revenue Explained, How Does Discord Make Money: Explanation of Business Model. , better social life (staying out late), less stress at work (no mgmt), parking, less patient family drama Cons: going on vacation and trying to switch to a 'normal' schedule … That was one of the reasons I went from ER to home health. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 16% of full-time salary and wage employees in the U.S. work non-daytime shifts. Pros: Never needing an alarm clock, seeing the kids more during the day, shift diff. IRS sending $600 stimulus checks for 8 more days. Looking to start studying again. Shift Work (12-hr Day/Night Rotation) Regular Hours (Mon-Fri 8-4:30) Pros Cons Pros Cons Easy to run errands during mid-week and to schedule Dr. How to Start a Speech - Duration: 8:47. Pros The 12-hour work shift can impact the alertness level of employees. Cons: Customers are rude. When engaged in shift work, there is a feeling of extra time to get things done and this allows many shift workers to enjoy their days off more often. I absolutely love working the 2nd shift (3p-11:30P). You appreciate the day shift more. Working four more nine-hour days adds up to 40 hours—which means employees can take the second Friday off. Many organizations which work on a shift-based system will often assign the best shifts to their most senior workers. For some it might mean they start out working a certain nursing shift and then later down the road life or family circumstances dictate they need to change. In other situations, you might be given the opportunity to choose. 3. If I had to, and buses ran all night, I would work 3rd shift. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 16% of full-time salary and wage employees in the U.S. work non-daytime shifts. You Have Time For Appointments< /h3>. Third shifters handle overnight work. 1. Caffeine is a stimulant that is used to give you a quick boost of energy and keep you … Being able to shop, bank, make appointments in the morning after work when everyone else are working therefore doing stuff when it is quiet (i.e I … 1. First-shifters take on the nine-to-five hours. Then if you reach home say by 10/11 , you have food and then sleep quite late. In some positions you’ll be required to work a set shift which might rotate every so often with your co-workers, so no one is stuck on the same shift. 1. For many nurses this is enough to classify them as full time employee even though they aren’t technically hitting 40 hour weeks. 7. Shift work is also challenging because there may be differences in work responsibilities between the shifts. If your weekday job doesn’t allow you enough income for the lifestyle you desire, you can pick up a part-time job on the weekend to help pad the wallet. Every shift has its pros and cons; here are four benefits in choosing to work the 2nd shift. They get up, go to work, and come home feeling exhausted. And although extra, part-time jobs used to be verboten, many supervisors are flexible about a team member who picks up a gig on the side. Have The Workbox Staffing Blog Delivered right to your Inbox. Working on the weekends isn’t for everyone, but like all things, it does have its pros and cons. Discover whether day-shift nursing or night-shift nursing is a better choice for your nursing career. You Avoid Rush Hour Traffic< /h3>. While this third shift seems to be an interesting option, this third shift has its own pros and cons. While most businesses adhere to the typical 9-5 schedule, others find great benefits in a 9/80 work schedule. The pros and cons of shift work can let you know if this type of schedule is right for you. This is the biggest pro when it comes to working on the weekends. 1.Fatigue due to length of shift, especially if the regular shift is followed by overtime. I too am an LPN however I graduated in 1999 and just couldn't pass the RN state boards and was able to pass the LPN. Thus shift working often creates tensed environments at an employee’s home. What are the pros and cons of being a leader? share. Fewer shifts worked on weekends (Saturday-Sunday). This may seem like a “no man zone” for working, but there are actually a few benefits of working second shift you … Shift work often requires an abnormal routine. Our article, “ What I Wish Someone Told Me BEFORE Becoming a Registered Nurse ,” asks current nurses to share the things they think would-be nurses need to know before getting started. 4. What Are the Cons of Shift Work? It also becomes more difficult to schedule shared events together with the alternate schedules each person must work. 1. Cons: 1. One of the benefits of working overtime is that it allows you to make money at a job you're already familiar with. Experts suggest weighing the pros and cons carefully before you take on a second job. Working the second shift means you aren’t going to work until after lunch, giving you more hours to relax and mentally prepare yourself for the day. How to Start a Speech - Duration: 8:47. In other situations, you might be given the opportunity to choose. RealJoshTv Recommended for you. For many people, working the graveyard shift is something that they need to do when a recruit is starting a career, looking for higher wages, or as simply a required part of the job that they want to pursue. People working second or third shift may deal with issues like insomnia, high blood pressure, and substance abuse simply because they are trying to will their bodies to keep going. The times you’ll be driving both to and from work won’t coincide with most other people’s commute, keeping the roads clear for you. It lets you get stuff done. Shift work refers to any work schedule that falls outside the hours of 7am and 6pm. Agents often work in short 2-3 hour bursts, meaning they are often able to take a mental break after their first shift and come back recharged for the second shift. It is difficult to schedule time to spend with family and friends who aren’t working the same shift. I hate those kinds of jobs. Appointments and chiro, etc. pros-higher pay (most of the time) cons-the work sucks most of the time, you're going against your body's cycle (sleep when it's dark, wake when it's light), and it seriously messes with everything. CONS Unreliable hours if split shifts are linked to demand – Split shifts tied to contact volume can fluctuate based on projected demand spikes. Usually you get "shift differential" pay, which means they have to pay more because a lot of people won't work nights. If you’re working the 2nd shift, you have all morning to make appointments and run errands without the end of the day exhaustion you feel when completing work. Most people take up a night shift job for several reasons other than a good health. People who are working extended shifts, especially if they are back-to-back, tend to see a decrease in their overall alertness level at the end of the day. Posted December 2nd, 2020. Early mornings for work become a thing of the past. 1. < h3>2. Shift work often requires an abnormal routine. The 12-hour work shift can impact the alertness level of employees. I hate those kinds of jobs. In some positions you’ll be required to work a set shift which might rotate every so often with your co-workers, so no one is stuck on the same shift. 8:11. A single human cannot go on without break for so many hours and shifts are the ideal ways to connect and communicate. I too am an LPN however I graduated in 1999 and just couldn't pass the RN state boards and was able to pass the LPN. , better social life (staying out late), less stress at work (no mgmt), parking, less patient family drama Cons: going on vacation and trying to switch to a 'normal' schedule … Second shift usually … 8:11. Cons for employees. To schedule doctor’s appointments, you often have to schedule time away from the office because the doctor doesn’t work past 5 either. Even better, you’ll likely be out of work no later than midnight, keeping your nights relatively early so you have ample time to get the sleep you need and be productive before your next shift. Cons to working from home According to recent research done by Twingate of over 1,000 employees, remote employment is causing them to lose sense of a work-life balance. However, sooner or later a good percentage of people realize the health consequences and feel compelled to quit the job. Every shift has its pros and cons; here are four benefits in choosing to work the 2nd shift. If you’re working second shift, then your hours might be 4pm-12am. In other situations, you might be given the opportunity to choose. This is something that you’ll need to decide on your own. Everyone enjoys the added flexibility of the arrangement. If I had to, and buses ran all night, I would work 3rd shift. We cater to jobs in manufacturing, light industrial, and warehouse operations. List of the Cons of 12-Hour Work Shifts. Being invaded by offshore solutions, people need to work round the clock. Working Graveyard/Night Shift SUCKS (Pros and Cons on Working Graveyard) - Duration: 8:11. Every restaurant is open, so you have choices for Lunch if you want to go out. 1. Search our job openings today., © 2020 Workbox Staffing. This often means that the “best” and “worst” workers are all on the same shifts, creating the potential for production inequality. Learning more about the potential pros and cons of 12-hour shifts in nursing is a good start, but there’s plenty to learn about becoming a registered nurse. What are the pros/cons of working 3rd shift? There are so many prejudices involved when it comes to this working style. The term encompasses evening, night, and early morning hours, as well as fixed or rotating shifts. cons-everything else, you get to work while everyone else is having fun or relaxing, and see people going home while you're going to work. There is much less congestion, especially for workers on third shift. Looking to start studying again. Another common practice of shift work is longer hours over a shorter work … While hours vary by company, typically you can think of it like morning to early afternoon, afternoon to late evening, and overnight. What are the pros/cons of working 3rd shift? Being able to shop, bank, make appointments in the morning after work when everyone else are working therefore doing stuff when it is quiet (i.e I … And parents of young kids who do not understand the working parent’s patterns also feel deserted. Not get evening time to handle duties your normally could not handle working 9-5 one another so that,... To avoid peak hours if they ’ re working second shift usually shift! Shift benefits of working overtime is that it allows you to make money a... Hours might be given the opportunity to choose lunch if you work the., Marketing, Management and it are only some of the time… are able... 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