- Will Test Your Patience More Than Your Fighting Skills. Feature: Every 2D Super Mario Game Ranked. Which, as positive statements go, has all the implicit flip side of a witch's bargain. If this game came under Visual Novel genre, I've been post 10/10, but we have what we have now. Review. When the prince is locked away, the wolf seeks to free him and restore his sight. Unfortunately, things take a dark turn thanks to clunky mechanics and uninspired level design. The prince adored the wolf’s voice but didn’t actually know he was enjoying songs sung by a wolf. Thus begins the story of The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. A fun puzzle game with a gripping and captivating story. Then it just becomes a bit frustrating. The Liar Princess was a fantastic experience. With a couple of puzzles we managed to get ourselves stuck, and had to kill ourselves to reset the level. Elsewhere, the optional flowers and petals that you collect by exploring off the beaten path unlock beautiful artwork and surprisingly twisted snippets of back story. Developed by Nippon Ichi Software, the company who created the Disgaea series and Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven Of Dusk, the game is quite different from those in terms of its design and gameplay. Players who can overlook its flaws will be able to enjoy its qualities but others will find it more difficult to adjust themselves. The gameplay is very straightforward, fun, but still clever in many ways. Guess I'll wait a little longer... @kermit1986 Yeah, I'm a couple of hours in, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Similarly to a Monster Hunter title where you Hunt Monsters or God Eater where the goal is to Eat Gods, you have a lying princess and a prince as blind as a rat. @RandomLeo00 After seeing the score I just assumed that that was the 'sad ending' that they're alluding to but I agree with you there, my first reaction when I saw that was the same when I read that. But you also feel curiously nebulous, with enemies and collectables alike scarcely seem to register upon contact with your body. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Nippon Ichi Software Price: $19.99 Platforms: Nintendo Switch (reviewed), PS4 MonsterVine was provided with a Switch code for review. That might make sense when you're playing a pair of children, one of whom is physically disadvantaged. I think I'll enjoy this. After all, I’ve come to expect bright, vibrant, boisterous JRPGs from the publisher. I'm still getting this for the story. You. Then we'll begin. It looks as though maybe it should be experienced as sort of like an interactive storybook. Probably an 8 for me. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is this title from Nippon Ichi Software that I’ve seen in Japanese game catalogs but never invested in, neither monetarily nor informationally. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince begins with a monstrous wolf sitting atop a hill and singing in the light of the moon. I'm nearing the end now, and I've actually enjoyed this game even more than I expected. It looks so beautiful and is such an offbeat, unusual premise, but I had a feeling the gameplay wasn't up to the same level. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a charming platform-puzzler with a captivating fairytale aesthetic that can't help but draw you in. You can have him trot forward and pick up objects – all extremely handy for solving the basic switch-flipping, fire-lighting puzzles that take up much of your time here. Seemingly plucked from the pages of an ancient fairy tale, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince tells the story of a solitary wolf, who sings a beautiful melody in her loneliness, and the young prince who seeks out the voice's origins. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is one of the most recent to do that, and goes all in on both sides of that formula. Nippon Ichi Software’s “The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince” is as simple as it gets. This game is absolutely fantastic! A lot of your complaints seem minor (like holding y to hold the prince's hand and only using the d pad on the menu). The Story is charming, the chracters are adorable and the gameplay fits it. It was nice, charming adventure ♥️ I can't say that whole game is good, there is some issues with lvl design, music after menu theme is awful (not every track, like 50/50), levels are challenging, some interesting mechanics here... After some time I'm tired of walkthrough and kept skipping levels one after another, but in the post end I couldn't hold back tears. The story of the game is tragic and beautiful at the same time. I really glad that add "skip level" feature, but ofc u need to wait around ten minutes everytime... Gorgeous visuals but horrible gameplay; in fact so horrible they included a skip function so you can just enjoy the story. The story is about a wolf who accidently blinds a prince, and her journey to make things right. There's real bite to this cutesy story of star-crossed not-quite-lovers. Which is why The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is such a pleasant surprise. Developed by Nippon Ichi Software, the company who created the Disgaea series and Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven Of Dusk, the game is quite different from those in terms of its design and gameplay. Thankfully, with an amazing design direction ripped straight out of a children’s storybook, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, tells a beautiful story, albeit a short one. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The world and puzzle layouts, too, fail to live up to the quality of the art and story work. Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is an action-adventure game played from a side-scrolling perspective. I am currently playing and can't say I agree with your review much. While the story is a quintessential parable about trust and compassion, the presentation nearly outshines it with gorgeous hand-drawn art and an impressive level of detail in the storybook trappings. It takes all the time it needs, and that is perfectly fine. What the Developers say. It tells a story that wouldn’t be out of place in a Brothers Grimm tale, of an unusual love story between a wolf and a young prince. Instead, it’s a small and intimate adventure with a ton of heart. It draws elements from many classic fairy tales such as "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast," "Little Red Riding Hood," and "Rapunzel," while telling a unique new tale. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. I was really looking forward to this game, as it looks gorgeous. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Review Recently, I had the pleasure of playing a little game called The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. This game is absolutely fantastic! A game of average gameplay but superb art style and story, ultimately delivers an extraordinary, fairytale-ish experience that is hard to forget, and even harder not to love. She must guide the blinded prince through a dark forest. ... Was that a spoiler on the thumbnail?Hinting emotions from the ending it's kinda spoilers as there's always a hope for a happy ending.Don't do that again please, even if it's hinting the score rather than the game's ending. That is, until it isn’t. Though short, I really like the design of the levels in the game. Although The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince flaunts a strong storyline, the game’s mechanics are rather routine, undermining would could have been a captivating expedition. When I got the game for $40, I was thinking that it was way too low of a price for a collector's edition of a game. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is not fancy or complicated or filled to the brim with all sorts of bells and whistles. Story is quite original, soulful and really non-standard. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince - PlayStation 4 at Amazon.com. Yes, you die often, but the game auto saves nearly all the time. Before you know it, you're disguised as a feisty Princess and leading the blind prince across a fantasy land filled with hungry monsters, pressure switches, and physics-based conundrums. Don’t knock the game until you try it. Well I have the 40 dollar edition coming tomorrow, the premise really sold me. It was fun reading the story while hearing the emotion of the narrator bring the tale to life. As an interactive storybook, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince might have lived happily ever after. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a playable Fairytale. This isn’t a game looking to set the world on fire. Why would you ever talk about the ending to a story in the headline of your review tho? The Story is charming, the chracters are adorable and the gameplay fits it. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince presents itself as a fairytale, and this […] The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is the story of a wolf-like monster who loves to sing on the top of this cliff. The Liar Princess and The Blind Prince is a side scrolling puzzle platformer. This adventure game with light puzzles is well worth your time if you enjoy fairy tale aesthetics and stories. The music is amazing, the story is sweet and sad, and the game itself is beautiful in both graphics and presentation. The dark. Once upon a time there was a game called The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Nippon Ichi Software Price: $19.99 Platforms: Nintendo Switch (reviewed), PS4 MonsterVine was provided with a Switch code for review. Here’s half an hour of it: https://youtu.be/RtxtgmuaKfM, Too bad. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a charming storybook tale and I can’t wait to see the next release from NIS’ smaller team. But it reminds you that the simple things in … Mixed or average reviews The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a charming platform-puzzler with a captivating fairytale aesthetic that can't help but draw you in. Instead, it’s a small and intimate adventure with a ton of heart. Also without spoiling anything, it is not that sad of an ending (atleast the one i got) there might be more than one ending. Overall I loved The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, it has a fantastic story, an amazing and unique art style and sound. Early on in the game, you have to go over and hold the prince's hand, then press one of the arrow buttons, and then press A to confirm a command. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince was reviewed using review code, physical copies, or hardware provided by NIS America. Liar Princess tells the story of a prince and a wolf who sings. @Rockmirth I believe the "sad ending" in the title is a reference to this reviewer's overall disappointment with the game, not a spoiler of in-game events. A young price is mesmerized by her beautiful singing and will sit and listen to her sing. Unfortunately, things take a dark turn thanks to clunky mechanics and uninspired level design. The Liar Princess And The Blind Prince Is A Beautiful Fairy Tale; Coming To Switch And PS4 Disgaea developer's The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince comes to … Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment... 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Enter a fairytale world as a wolf-turned-princess guides a blind prince through a dangerous forest. At its core, liar princess is a puzzle game and deserves to be treated like one. World three, meanwhile, is a shapeless slog of pointless teleporters, bland number puzzles, and ill-fitting Boo-like creatures. The cover art looked pretty, sure, but importing games is a pain in the ass, … I really enjoyed playing through the game, unlocking all achievements and am glad that I bought it. A digital storybook tends to have limited interactivity, the reader usually only able to turn the page, click on a part to hear it read, or click on the pictures to hear sounds or see little animations. Sad or surprising events in games lose some of their effect when you know they're coming. The wolf visits the witch of the forest to receive a human form so that the prince could no longer be harmed. This isn’t a game looking to set the world on fire. A marvelous plot and very involving world co-exist with unnatural controls, generic puzzles and a sub-par level design, as well as with gameplay mechanics that are not fluid enough to create momentum. It's not a garbage flavor of the month pixel art procedually generated INDIE on the eshop that's why they trash it... @Sakisa 15 days un, what are your thoughts on the game? Moreover, you get a damn nice and atmospheric presentation with a great sound. Too bad whould have love to try it,Waitt doe a very big sale then. Nevertheless, "The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince" is one of the highlights on the Nintendo Switch. The First Review For Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury... Nintendo Shares Release Schedule For 2021 And Beyond, And... Nintendo Is "Replacing Its Multiplayer Server System" Dat... Review: Project Starship X - An Unconventional Shmup That... Join 1,105,094 people following Nintendo Life: © 2021 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince leans hard in the fairytale aesthetics right from its opening moments. @DockEllisD To be fair, the video you shared shows the first 30 minutes of the game, but the gameplay doesn't really get started until about 25 minutes in. I feel as though the score is potentially a little harsh here? Critic Reviews *Code kindly provided by … Which is why The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is such a pleasant surprise. Too bad. Nippon Ichi Software tells the story of a prince and a princess with this dark fairy tale and its ingenious and varied mechanics. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a gorgeous game that plays like an interactive fairytale. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. The caveat? In plain English, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is an often beguiling platform puzzler that looks and reads way better than it plays. It is not perfect, but it is a highly recommended experience that you will love. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is, for the most part, a game that’s insultingly easy. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince book. You play the role of a ravenous wolf … One day, a prince ventured into the forest, attracted by the music that he heard without knowing where it came from. I'd say it's a puzzle-platformer in the way the something like Ico fits into the genre (meaning, not really a traditional puzzle-platformer). Version 1.00 reviewed on a standard PlayStation 4. In exchange for her singing voice, the wolf becomes a princess and returns to the blind prince. Every night, he arrives at the bottom of the hill to listen to the sweet serenade, and when it’s over, he shows his admiration through applause. “Plucked straight from the pages of an ancient fairy tale, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince tells the story of two lonely hearts brought together through a mutual misunderstanding. based on The Liar Princess And The Blind Prince - Official Launch Trailer. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince Review. Perhaps some may call it repetitive, but to an extent, all games are. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince was reviewed using review code, physical copies, or hardware provided by NIS America. For every adolescent blush or heart-warming rescue, there's a pointed note about prejudice or a person's struggle with their identity. Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2019. After an unfortunate misunderstanding results in you scratching the Prince's eyes out (hey, it happens! 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