Second. these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? Dost thou bring forth fruit unto God? It is expected of all hands, that all the trees in the garden of God should be fruitful: God expects fruit, the church expects fruit, the world, even the world, concludes that professors should be fruitful in good works; I say, the world expecteth that professors should be better than themselves. Curse of the Barren Fig Tree. But. The Holy Ghost doth not only take an argument from its barrenness, but because it is a cumber-ground, therefore cut it down; wherefore it must needs be a provocation.1. He waters his vineyard, and looks to it night and day; but all these things thou hast abused. Books, 1972), Trench, A. JESUS WAS RESPONDING TO NEWS ABOUT A CALAMITY - Lk 13:1-5. then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the Intro: We are walking with Jesus and His disciples through the last week of His earthly life.It is amazing that Jesus was able to pack so much activity into a seven day period of time. Church Seasons, Lectionary, Sermon. How dost thou show before men the truth of thy turning to God? . inner life of each, not something arbitrarily attached of fastened on from Sometimes we don't produce that kind of fruit, but we have a loving and forgiving God. Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – Luke 13.1-9 . 'How seemingly self-denying are some of these creeping things.' There is a fruit that is vile and ill-tasted, how long soever it be in growing; the root is dried, and cannot convey a sufficiency of sap to the branches, to ripen the fruit (Jer 24). that is, fast asleep in sin (Eph 4:19). The Jews for their barrenness were cut down, and more fruitful people put in their room. Third. These professors are those light and inconsiderate ones that think nothing but peace will attend the gospel; and so anon rejoice at the tidings, without foreseeing the evil. Richard C., Notes on the Parables (Old Tappan: This is subject to further investigation. 'Naked and open are all things to his eye.' The sinner cries again, Good Lord, try me this once; let me get up again this once, and see if I do not mend. 4, pp. 'Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire' (Matt 3:10). I say, when God hath given Satan leave effectually to complete his destruction; for all that are delivered up unto Satan have not, nor do not come to this end. how I cannot do it!'. The Dresser would be In Luke 8:5-8, Jesus told the parable of the sower. the past and his unwillingness to tolerate fruitlessness much longer, but Thus This tree had been refreshed by the dews of heaven; the sunshine had warmer it with genial rays; the sheltering hill, perhaps, had warded off the chilling blasts, and all the seasonable influences of … The cumber-ground is a sucker; he draws away the heart and nourishment from the other trees. nation. perish" (Luke 13:3,5). His sermon, “The Barren Fig Tree,” preached at Adam’s Chapel, Fairfax County, Virginia, in May of 1781, was the first recorded Methodist sermon by an African-American. In HIS vineyard. Israel All these, with many more, show us the truth of the observation, and that God's church may be cumbered with fruitless fig-trees, with barren professors. 13:8). Well, at the third season he comes again for fruit, but the third year is like the first and second; no fruit yet; it only cumbereth the ground. It is astonishing to see how those that once seemed 'sons of the morning,' and were making preparations for eternal life, now at last, for the rottenness of their hearts, by the just judgment of God, to be permitted, being past feeling, to give 'themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness' (Eph 4:18,19). As for them, therefore, that will retain the name of Christians, fearing God, and yet make no conscience of bringing forth fruit to him, he saith to such, Away! Barren fig-tree, either bear fruit, or go out of the vineyard; and yet then thy case will be unspeakably damnable. THE FIG TREE IN THE VINEYARD They are as much as if Christ had said, Father, I begged for more time for this barren professor; I begged until I should dig about it, and dung it. Of what complexion thou art I cannot certainly divine; but the parable tells thee that the cumber-ground must be cut down. Cumber-ground, how many hopeful, inclinable, forward people, hast thou by thy fruitless and unprofitable life, kept out of the vineyard of God? When a man is cast out of the vineyard. Mark 11:12-14; 20-21. Barren fig-tree, the vineyard of God hath been a fruitful place. Jesus, at a time...looked back over a period of three years... Well, saith God, I will loose the reins of this professor; I will give him up to his vile affections; I will loose the reins of his lusts before him; he shall be entangled with his beastly lusts; he shall be overcome of ungodly company. [8] - Verse … There and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things The 'Importune' Blind Men. It’s just taking up space in the garden. Yea, God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, will not pass by and forget all, and say, 'Well done,' at the last. What fruit, barren fig-tree, what degree of heart holiness? understood in an indefinite, wide-open sense. Alfred, The International Critical Commentary (London:  6 minutes) Grace Notes Sermon Ministry: Subscribe for free Learn More. Fifth. 'When the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it' (Matt 21:34). The metaphors in this parable are, 1. tetrarch of Abilene. In this story, the owner of the vineyard is God, the keeper of the vineyard is Jesus, and the tree represents God's children. The decree, that he shall perish, is gathered from its continuing fruitless quite through the last year -- from its continuing fruitless at the end of all endeavours. Hosier’s sermons caught the attention of white audiences from the very first performance; subsequently, they would often be moved to tears. or that those that pursue this world did ever repent of their covetousness? I observe, that as there are trees and herbs that are wholly right and noble, fit indeed for the vineyard; so there are also their semblance, but wild; not right, but ignoble. The very self-complacence which prompted His informants to detail a Esau AFTERWARDS is fearful: 'For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears' (Heb 12:17). Cain, after this, was lord of a city (Gen 4:17). 2004 Archives. Grotius has already observed against this, and with reason, that if the three This parable is known as "The Barren Fig Tree", recorded in Luke 13:6-9. 'For my name sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off,' as yet (Isa 48:9). Waterloo Place, 1864), Zahn, 1. If I do any good to it, it will be in little time. The There is a difference betwixt that hardness of heart that is incident to all men, and that which comes upon some as a signal or special judgment of God. It’s not a long trip, but if you consider the fact that they’re walking it would be a trip of some distance and some time. the history of a nation during which it receives its opportunities. Their lusts prick them, suitable temptations present themselves; wherefore they turn to their own crooked ways again. What do men meddle with religion for? How great is the mercy that those horrid barbarities, perpetrated upon peaceful Christians, are now only heard of in those distance parts of Satan's empire, China and Madagascar! Barren fig-tree, hearken; the continual non-bearing of fruit is a dreadful sign that thou art to come to a dreadful end, as the winding up of this parable concludeth. 82; 7:6; 76:9; Lam. hostility. I am not a great gardener but I do grow runner beans. At this God's fury comes up into his face: now he comes out of his holy place, and is terrible; now he sweareth in his wrath they shall never enter into his rest (Heb 3:11). 7 Finally, he said to his gardener, ‘I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! But thou hast sinned, thou hast provoked the eyes of his glory, thy iniquity is found to be hateful, and now perhaps God hath left thee, given thee up, and lets thee alone. At these the professor pauses; but these are words, not blows, therefore off goes this consideration from the heart. Hearty thanks, and blessing God for Jesus Christ, for his good word, for his free grace, for the discovery of himself in Christ to the soul, secret longing after another world, fruit meet for him. (4.) Diligence in the Basics. Palestine had trees within their vineyards. His miracles are miracles of … They could discern the Cut it down, why does it use up the ground? I. I will wait, I will yet wait to be gracious. THE BARREN FIG-TREE, OR THE DOOM AND DOWNFALL OF THE FRUITLESS PROFESSOR. 7:1–6). Luke 13:1-9 | The Barren Fig Tree | Sermon and Worship Resources This Week But before God, in the sight of God, they are graceless professors, barren and fruitless fig-trees. Many make religion their cloak, and Christ their stalking-horse, and by that means cover themselves and hide their own wickedness from men; but God seeth their hearts, hath his print upon the heels of their feet, and pondereth all their goings; and at last, when their iniquity is found to be hateful, he will either smite them with hardness of heart, and so leave them, or awaken them to bring forth fruit. 2. contextual setting then we have to deal with this extra (fourth) year. &c. (Heb 10:28). states: The (2.) This parable of a barren fig tree is meant to teach us a vital truth. Moses left a kingdom, and run the hazard of the wrath of the king, for the love he had to God and Christ. And thus, quite forgetting the sorrows of death, the pains of hell, the promises and vows which he made to God to be better; because judgment was not now speedily executed, therefore the heart of this poor creature is fully set in him to do evil. I smote you in your person, in your relations, in your estate, yet you have not returned unto me, saith the Lord. 'The devil was sick, the devil a saint would beThe devil to well, the devil a saint was he.' The barren fig tree How then can good fruit grow from such a root, the root of all evil? Notice And then returns to his place, till this professor more unfeignedly acknowledgeth his offence (Hosea 5:14,15). God expecteth fruits that shall answer that faith which thou makest profession of. O! Can it be imagined that those 'that paint themselves did ever repent of their pride?' And Previous Previous post: Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman’s Daughter. Barren professor, hearken to this. I was also much pleased to find that the same conclusion was arrived at by that highly intelligent Baptist minister, Mr. Robert Robinson. Lord, a little longer! A word not to be found in our dictionaries, being local and almost obsolete. God will come down to see, God will make search for fruit himself. 2, pp. Thou professest thou believest in Christ: is he thy joy, and the life of thy soul? "(Luke 13:7). Broadman Press, 1930), Secrett, vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Barren fig-tree, dost thou hear? Those words also, 'Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away,' assert the same thing (John 15:2). Gate" where many will try to enter but will fail, resulting in their 'If it bear fruit, well.'. And this kept Ananias and Sapphira his wife from the goodly fruit of sincerity and truth (Acts 5:5,10). Where, barren fig-tree, is the fruit of these people's repentance? Ishmael was a professor, was brought up in Abraham's family, and was circumcised at thirteen years of age (Gen 16:12, 17:25,26). Although there be in God's church that be barren and fruitless; yet, as I said, to see to, they are like the rest of the trees, even a fig-tree. fig tree is God the Father. will duly arrive. Wherefore death comes not to this man as he doth to saints, muzzled, or without his sting, but with open mouth, in all his strength; yea, he sends his first-born, which is guilt, to devour his strength, and to bring him to the king of terrors (Job 18:13,14). The vineyard; God fences it, God gathereth out the stones, God builds the tower, and the wine-press in the midst thereof. then, is an official act recorded in the sacred Scriptures for us to read and Now, while death is thus tormenting the body, hell is doing with the mind and conscience, striking them with its pains, casting sparks of fire in thither, wounding with sorrows, and fears of everlasting damnation, the spirit of this poor creature. (5.) The second to be considered is, The instrument by which this execution is done, and that is death, compared here to an axe; and forasmuch as the tree is not felled at one blow, therefore the strokes are here continued, till all the blows be struck at it that are requisite for its felling: for now cutting time, and cutting work, is come; cutting must be his portion till he be cut down. Israel is understood to be the fig tree, then it is sure that the owner of the Yea, let me add, if thou shalt neither bear fruit nor depart, God will take his name out of thy mouth (Jer 44:26). When Israel also had sinned against God, down they had gone, but that Moses stood in the breach. None of them, as we read of (John 6:70), mistrusting Judas; yet he in Christ's eye was the barren fig-tree, a devil, a fruitless professor. and is all that thou hast to be ventured for his name in this world? shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities:  The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree. is bound to maintain that, according to Luke 13:6-9,  God, and Christ, and pity, have left him. 'When he slew them, then they sought him, and they returned and inquired early after God'; 'nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongue' (Psa 78:34-36). Wherefore it is put to a wonderful strait; stay in the body it may not, go out of the body it dares not. O take not away the desire of mine eyes; spare my children, bless me in my labours, and I will mend and be better. Well, now the axe begins to be heaved higher, for now indeed God is ready to smite the sinner; yet before he will strike the stroke, he will try one way more at the last, and if that misseth, down goes the fig-tree! THE BARREN FIG-TREE, OR THE DOOM AND DOWNFALL OF THE FRUITLESS PROFESSOR. May such be detected before they go hence to the fire. (1.) He loves and cares. Away, away you will not; I have tried you these three years already; you are naught; if I should recover you again, you would be as bad as you were before. A 'hitting season' means a fruitful season. 'they come unto thee as the people cometh' (Eze 33:31). These climbed up some other way. Luke 13:6-9 He spoke also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.… I. However strange it may appear, it is true that the Ranters, in Bunyan's time, used these arguments, and those so graphically put into the mouth of Bye-ends, in the Pilgrim, to justify their nonconformity to Christ. How are all things out of order? It is the parable of the barren fig tree. These words therefore suggest unto us a prodigious kind of boldness and hardened fearlessness. But a little distinctly to particularize in four or five particulars. At the beginning of this chapter we read how some of the Jews came to Jesus Christ, to tell him of the cruelty of Pontius Pilate, in mingling the blood of the Galileans with their sacrifices. Well, saith God, I will deal with that man myself, 'I will answer that man by myself.' (12:20,21,31-53,58,59). Dost thou not hear that there will be in God's house wooden and earthly professors, and that no place will serve to fit those for hell but the house, the church, the vineyard of God? The Dods writes: As So was the fig-tree mentioned in the text. No person ought … judgement, after all they were not sinners like the Galilaeans whose blood And all this talk is while death stands by. J.J. It is impossible for those fall-aways to be renewed again unto repentance, 'seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame' (Heb 6:4-6). He that cuts him down sways him as the feller of wood sways the tottering tree; now this way, then that, at last a root breaks, a heart-string, an eye-string, sweeps asunder. Finley, Dispensational Answers (Grand Rapids: Bible Doctrines to Live Christ’s curse is a foreshadowing of what will happen to hypocrites — those Israelites who, like the fig trees with leaves, promise fruit but fail to deliver. (2.) This parable in the first place refers to the nation and people of the Jews. The vineyard is God's husbandry, or tillage. By these words the apostle seems to take it for granted, that as there hath been, so there still will be these kind of fig-trees, these barren professors in the house, when all men have done what they can; even as in a great house there are always vessels to dishonour, as well as those to honour and glory; vessels of wood and of earth, as well as of silver and gold. Answ. national Israel can expect if they do not repent. (Matt. without (Ps. No, saith God, you lied to me last time, I will trust you in this no longer; and withal he tumbleth the wife, the child, the estate into a grave. commentators look back over the history of Israel and see the destruction of too, at the risk of being charged with old-fashioned exegesis, maintain that To some men that have grievously sinned under a profession of the gospel, God giveth this token of his displeasure; they are denied the power of repentance, their heart is bound, they cannot repent; it is impossible that they should ever repent, should they live a thousand years. Luke's You know dung is a more warm, more fat, more hearty, and succouring matter than is commonly the place in which trees are planted. 28:19,20; Zech. case, the hearers of this prophetic parable could count on one more year after fig tree is God the Father. -- Ed. A. JESUS WAS RESPONDING TO NEWS ABOUT A CALAMITY - Lk 13:1-5. 'Son, go WORK to-day in my vineyard' (Matt 21:28). fact that it is planted in the vineyard is not strange, often the people of Barren fig-tree, dost thou hear? Cut it down. Notice the following table (including Acts): If Barren professor, hearken to this! Trench, Richard C., Notes on the Parables (Old Tappan: I have provided a complete listing of all the occurrences of ETOS in Luke's My exhortation, therefore, is to professors that they look to it, that they take heed. And now he begins to bethink himself, and to cry to God for mercy; Lord, spare me! Second, The doctrine or mysteries couched under such metaphors. The barren fig-tree takes up the room where a better tree might stand; I say, it takes up the room, it keeps, so long as it stand where it doth; a fruitful tree out of that place, and therefore it must be cut down. Trench comments: Olshausen or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?' The death, or cutting down of such men, will be dreadful. This idea of the fig tree being barren, and the fact that it is expected to produce fruit, reinforces the idea of repentance being a complete change in actions and thoughts (by no longer sinning). 'Here see a soul that's all despair; a manAll hell; a spirit all wounds; who canA wounded spirit bear?Reader, would'st see, what may you never feelDespair, racks, torments, whips of burning steel!Behold, the man's the furnace, in whose heartSin hath created hell; O in each partWhat flames appear:His thoughts all stings; words, swords;Brimstone his breath;His eyes flames; wishes curses, life a death;A thousand deaths live in him, he not dead;A breathing corpse in living, scalding lead.' privileged position. This fig-tree, 'this man Coniah' (Jer 22:28). (2 Cor 4:2). It is no hard thing to do these with other things; but … The Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?' The Barren Fig Tree - Puritan Edward Griffin Sermon Luke 13:6 He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. the church is God's garden, and Christ Jesus is the great Apostle and High-priest of our profession. When God has borne long, we may hope that he will bear with us yet a … And I say further, if thou wilt do neither, yet God in justice and righteousness will still come for fruit. Craig  L., Interpreting the -- Ed. And again, 'Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building' (1 Cor 3:9). This parable of particular interest to us today, as we attempt to learn from our … usage of ETOS to have its full significance. We will study the Parable of the Barren Fig tree here in Luke 13:1-9, but we could also study it later in the Jesus story when he gets to Jerusalem. Funk and Wagnalls, 1884), p. 429. The barren fig tree: A. 1863), Robertson, 'A CERTAIN MAN HAD A FIG-TREE PLANTED IN HIS VINEYARD; AND HE CAME AND SOUGHT FRUIT THEREON, AND FOUND NONE. attempt to disassemble the parable and examine its major components while 2. Here is a supposition that the barren fig-tree may yet abide barren, when Christ hath done what he will unto it; 'and if it bear fruit,' &c.6. Zahn understood the years of the parable in a Modified Definite view, he did Now, to have the heart so hardened, so judicially hardened, this is as a bar put in by the Lord God against the salvation of this sinner. we are to understand these years, even this extra year, as being normal, But the … Yea, they were so entailed in this, that the one could not go without the other; wherefore the apostle's caution is here of weight. and is also the life of Jesus 'made manifest in thy mortal body?' Observe, and I will show you. O the desperate wickedness that is in thy heart! And where he saith, 'Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world,' he giveth us to understand that what preparations soever are made for the salvation of sinners, and of how long continuance soever they are, yet the God-tempting, God-provoking and fruitless professor, is like to go without a share therein, 'although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.' Fruits meet for him, such a dependence upon him, such trust in his word, such satisfaction in his presence, such a trusting of him with all my concerns, and such delight in the enjoyment of him, that may demonstrate that his fear is in my heart, that my soul is wrapped up in his things, and that my body, and soul, and estate, and all, are in truth, through his grace, at his dispose, fruit meet for him. 2002 Archives. The tares, that is, the hypocrites, that are Satan's brood, the generation of vipers, that cannot escape the damnation of hell. As the earth, by binding the roots too closely, may hinder the tree's being fruitful, so the want of better means may be also a cause thereof. David, Critical and Experimental Commentary (Grand Rapids:  Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? Throughout Good fruit. 'Though his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds, yet he shall perish for ever, like his own dung; they which have seen him shall say, Where is he?' This picture is drawn by a master hand: the master is laid by for a season; or, as Bunyan quaintly expresses it, 'a little a to side': when raised from affliction earthly affairs absorb his attention, and he forgets his good resolves. Price of precious blood he doubleth his diligence after this, in the of... 2:21 ) desolate ' ( Heb 11:4 ) instead of seeking to spend the of... Defer mine anger ; judgment is always just, and a profession, suggesteth to... The courts of the tree to be repented of their God... 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