The course is taught with 10 modules that include video, written material, and resources. TWITTER ICON .et-social-twitter a.icon:before { }, 7. Then, in your stylesheet or Divi Theme Options, add this CSS: @media (max-width:980px) { .reverse-columns-mobile { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } } You can make these adjustments easily in Divi, but learning CSS gives you even more control. Our Divi Snippets platform is a living library filled with well-documented Divi CSS tricks and code hacks. Each of these methods will suffice for building websites with Divi. Learn more about the Divi Space course Transforming Divi and CSS & jQuery. The course includes real-world examples, guided learning, an extended jQuery cheat-sheet, access to recorded sessions, a Facebook group, and lifetime access to the course. To date, this is the only CSS course for Divi that also teaches jQuery; a code library built with JavaScript that adds powerful animations and capabilities to Divi. © 2015 - 2020 Divi Space (An Aspen Grove Studios Company), Save these links if you want to be better at CSS / Divi. Additionally, a minified JS and a very basic CSS file is loaded on the first page visit. A child theme is a series of files that, when added together, form a ‘secondary theme’ to a parent theme. In the course you’ll learn the fundamentals of CSS and jQuery as applied to Divi. At this point, open up the Divi Page Settings console, scroll to the Custom CSS box and enter the relevant CSS styling. If you’re ready to create a blank child theme for your Divi website, check out the Divi Space Child Theme Builder. If you’d like to build a child theme for your Divi website in just a few seconds, we recommend using our Divi Space Child Theme Builder. If you’re manually navigating through the server, log into the server via the hosting company’s portal and search for a section named File Manager or something similar. This is particularly useful for large websites that have deep levels of customization in place. TOP HEADER MENU ITEM #et-secondary-menu > ul > li a { }, 10. The child theme directory will be the folder that’ll house all of the files of your child theme. MODULE .et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio { } /** For full-width portfolio **/ .et_pb_portfolio_grid { } /** For grid portfolio **/, 1. NUMBER .et_pb_number_counter span.percent-value { }, 3. If you’re a Divi user, then Divi itself will be the parent theme. Popups for Divi Create Popups in the Visual Builder! Step 1 – Login to your WordPress dashboard. The Divi CSS and Child Theme Guide provides a guide to the CSS selectors used in the Divi theme framework. Favourite 5 Dashboard Resource Library Articles Cheatsheets Child Themes Layouts Live Trainings Member Perks Mini Courses Tutorials Code Snippets Community Login Divi CSS Hierarchy Cheatsheet Week 4: This week I have a cheatsheet for you. If you’re ready to become a rockstar Divi designer, learning CSS is the next step, and who better to learn this incredible skill set with than Divi Space! When you complete this course you’ll have a functioning knowledge of Divi, CSS, and jQuery, and be able to create your own child themes and layouts. SEPARATORS .et_pb_countdown_timer .sep { }, 11. If none of the CSS is loading it could be that the entire stylesheet has been added incorrectly. POST IMAGE .et_pb_blog_grid .et_pb_image_container img { }, 3. Thanks for the hard work. The Page Settings box is great for making simple changes to a single page, post or project layout, for example making headings on certain pages stand out, setting styling for images etc.. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Remember to bookmark your favorite resources! Geno’s blog includes lots of CSS snippets for Divi modules. To use different icons, read this post that explains the Elegant Themes icon font and how it can be adapted to suit a designs. That’s our list of the best CSS resources for Divi and sources where you can learn CSS in general. Not all Divi sites need a child theme but for those that do, taking advantage of the style.css file within it is something I will do. CSS is a skill that’s in demand and that demand isn’t going away. Divi All Purpose has been designed to help brands and businesses create a single display or brochure website with very little effort. Using the browser’s developer tools to inspect the HTML elements is a great way to test different CSS properties and play around with different styling until you create an effect that suits your style. Within the page builder, you’re given the choice of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 columns in any row. GOOGLE + ICON .et-social-google-plus a.icon:before { }, 8. Go to "Divi > Theme Options", where you will find the Divi theme options. These methods include: To illustrate the different ways of adding CSS to Divi, we’ve set up the following demo. OVERLAY .et_pb_portfolio_image .et_overlay { }, 3. You’ll also know how to take code snippets from code libraries and using them in your own projects. Nevertheless, check the tutorials out and remember to bookmark your favorites! 13.3k 6 6 gold badges 41 41 silver badges 59 59 bronze badges. This course, aimed at both beginner and advanced users, teaches the basics of CSS and how to use it with Divi. Getting Started View Full Article. All that’s required is for you to add your relevant text and image content. Some tutorials are strictly CSS, while others may bring in other scripting languages such as PHP, jQuery and more. This process is called enqueueing the parent theme. Any module within the Divi theme that … HEADER SECTION .et_pb_pricing_heading { }, 2. The Divi Sidebar module is used to display the sidebar on the website page, however, you know how many widgets you can use in the Sidebar of the WordPress website. Learn how to change the map pin icon by following this tutorial. First, try moving this code to the top of the stylesheet and previewing the changes. share | follow | edited Aug 29 '19 at 11:11. Transforming Divi with CSS and jQuery is our online course that covers Divi, CSS, and jQuery from beginner to advanced level. We hope you enjoyed our list of CSS resources, both for Divi as well as for learning CSS in general. These may be major updates such as theme version updates, or smaller ones such as bug fixes and minor improvements. We highly recommend playing around on a development or testing site. These courses will equip you with the exact skills you need to ramp up the look of your Divi site, removing the guesswork from hunting through tutorials. As well as experimenting with the CSS on a page of your website by adding, removing or changing a setting, you can also use this handy tool to inspect other website’s elements. To create a child theme, all you need to do is enter information relating to your Divi site, download the child theme and install it. First up is our resource Divi Snippets. If you’re a Divi user and are interested in improving your web design skills, then this eBook is for you. ACTIVE SLIDE DOT .et-pb-active-control{ }, It is possible to target the dot navigation individually like so…, .et-pb-controllers a:nth-child(1) { } .et-pb-controllers a:nth-child(2) { } .et-pb-controllers a:nth-child(3) { }, It is also possible to target the slides individually like so…, .et_pb_slide.et_pb_slide_1 { } .et_pb_slide.et_pb_slide_2 { } .et_pb_slide.et_pb_slide_3 { }, 2. Try adding these lines of code at different intervals. The Divi CSS and Child Theme Guide from Divi Space will help you understand the various elements of each module and show you how to isolate and customize them to fit your overall web design aesthetic. Nevertheless, becoming familiar with the browser’s Developer Tools is a great way to explore how a website is constructed and how it can be enhanced aesthetically. Open your section, row or module and go to the advanced tab. If you haven’t taken advantage of Divi’s Responsive Editing Controls, this is a great place to start. To learn more about CSS, have a look at the following resources or bookmark this page. Adding CSS into the modules and rows can be useful for quick, simple edits, but beyond small changes that are going to stay the same forever, adding CSS this way isn’t really recommended. SEARCH ICON #et_search_icon:before { }, 5. Reverse column stacking order. TAB CONTROLS .et_pb_tabs .et_pb_tabs_controls { }, 4. CSS allows us to add effects & interaction where Divi is currently unable to achieve. All social media icons can be targeted at once with: .et_pb_pricing_table.et_pb_featured_table { }, .et_pb_pricing_table .et_pb_frequency { }, .et_pb_pricing_table .et_pb_dollar_sign { }, .et_pb_pricing_table ul.et_pb_pricing li { }, .et_pb_pricing_table li.et_pb_not_available { }, .et_pb_pricing_table .et_pb_best_value { }, .et_pb_shop .woocommerce ul.products li.product h3 { }, .et_pb_shop .woocommerce ul.products li.product .star-rating { }, .et_pb_shop .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price del { }, .et_pb_shop .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price ins { }, .woocommerce div.product form.cart div.quantity { }, .woocommerce .product .woocommerce-tabs .tabs li { }, 5. It’ll discuss: Like anything in life, learning a new skill can be overwhelming in the beginning, but if you’re ready for the challenge, you’ll transform the nature of your business for the better. It’s taught in bite-sized lessons and includes homework with quizzes, tools and resources, etc. MAIN HEADER AFTER SCROLL { }, 3. Mazzy Mazzy. The only file that WordPress doesn’t prioritize child over parent for, is the functions.php file. COUNTER AMOUNT .et_pb_counters span.et_pb_counter_amount_number { }, 2. CSS is written or compiled in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Sublime or Brackets. Check out the Learn CSS course from Codecademy. Thanks for this list! DOLLAR SIGN .et_pb_pricing_table .et_pb_dollar_sign { }, 7. TOP NAVIGATION DROP DOWN LINK #et-secondary-nav li li a { }, 3. Next up is Lynda, from LinkedIn. It takes three weeks to complete and includes CSS syntax, selectors, units, code editors, and Developer Tools. Developing a firm understanding of HTML, CSS and jQuery will really set you apart from the pack! These sources cover everything from basic to advanced levels of using CSS. CAPTCHA SUM span.et_pb_contact_captcha_question { }, 7. The courses have been created by leaders in the Divi community. MAIN MENU LIST ITEM #top-menu li a { }, 6. Example above for reference. To limit the changes you’re making to a single section, set a new section class in the module settings. BUTTON .woocommerce .product .cart .button { }, 8. This is particularly useful for users that are new to CSS and who may make a mistake from time to time, A handy revision history feature to save progress at set periods, The ability to use multiple files for large web builds, The ability to import and export files between web builds to save time and speed up development. You can also view ho… It includes bonus material, access to a Facebook group, webinars, lifetime access, etc. The CSS & Divi Beginner Course is delivered in 10 modules containing multiple bite-sized lessons, each covering a specific area of CSS and how you can apply it within Divi. Include this image in the child theme folder along with the functions.php and style.css files. W3schools is totally free, but if you wish to do a CSS course, you can claim CSS developer certification for a fee. You could either use our child theme builder, purchase our Aspen Roots child theme, use a premium child theme, or, create your own. Technically, these changes can be made to the core files of the parent theme, but this is extremely risky as: Making use of a child theme ensures that you can make site updates in a 100% fool-proof and safe manner, and too, enjoy some time-saving conveniences for your later web builds by copying code between stylesheets. 5. Inline styles are those that are written directly in the html … It’s easy to create a child theme for Divi. Stack Social has several courses from beginner to expert level. If all of your other CSS is working, your CSS edits could be being overridden by Divi’s own styles. The course will show you how to : The course uses video, text, webinars, quizzes, has lifetime access to current and future materials, and lots of help such as a private Facebook group, live Q&A’s, and direct support. The CSS & Divi Beginner Course from Michelle Nunan teaches the basics of CSS and how to use it with Divi. We add new snippets each week, so be sure to check back each regularly! DESCRIPTION .et_pb_team_member_description { }, 6. Created by Geno Quiroz, another popular name in the Divi community, this resource includes plenty of CSS snippets for Divi modules. The course teaches the basics of CSS, as well as how to customize Divi when plugins like Gravity Forms and WooCommerce are installed. asked Feb 8 '12 at 17:24. TOGGLE CLOSE TITLE .et_pb_toggle_close h5.et_pb_toggle_title { }, 7. If the CSS you’ve applied works at the top of the style sheet but not at the bottom, then there is a syntax error somewhere in your code. PER YEAR .et_pb_pricing_table .et_pb_frequency { }, 6. Another extremely easy way to create a child theme is to use our Aspen Roots child theme. While there are hundreds of articles written about CSS in the general sense, there aren’t all that many that have been adapted specifically for use with the Divi framework or Divi plugin. You can change the size of an element with pixels, percentages or viewport measurements, or the color of an element by setting various hex codes. To add CSS to the individual module, open up the module itself by clicking on the hamburger menu, navigate to the Advanced tab and scroll down until you see the Main Element box. Fortunately, there are a lot of tutorials and courses available on the web all geared to help you learn CSS. Divi doesn’t require CSS knowledge to build intricate and elegant websites, but it does have features to take advantage of CSS knowledge and that knowledge can take your Divi websites even further. LINKEDIN .et_pb_team_member .et_pb_linkedin_icon { } All social media icons can be targeted at once with: .et_pb_team_member .et_pb_font_icon { }, 1. Instead, users are advised to create and make use of a functions.php file. STAR RATING .et_pb_shop .woocommerce ul.products li.product .star-rating { }, 7. MUTE BUTTON .et_pb_audio_module .mejs-controls .mejs-mute button { }, 10. Follow the steps outlined in Part Two to enqueue the stylesheet from your functions.php file. This guide is a catalog of selectors for the Divi Theme and Page Builder. OVERLAY .et_pb_shop .product .et_overlay { }, 3. Learning to use CSS means that you’ll be able to customize the CSS for your specific needs rather than just copy and paste, which can give results that you might not need or want. CSS gives you the ability to tweak your site beyond the controls Divi gives you. CTA BUTTON ON HOVER .et_pb_promo_button:hover { }, 6. The use of the word ‘cascading’ in CSS relates to the order in which commands are executed. Here, a single row with four columns holds a single text module. This website is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Elegant Themes. (The part following adds space between the icon and the list item content.) We need to remove some characters for it to work and there is an easy formula you can use to do just that. 2. When your child theme is installed and activated, this image will display as the graphic in the Appearance > Themes section of the theme selector. TIMER CONTROL .et_pb_audio_module .et_audio_container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-handle { }, 7. Love your site. CSS edits are stored in a stylesheet. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, you need to learn Divi and WordPress CSS. Don’t let the skill level deter you; our snippets are thoroughly explained, so even new users will feel confident tackling tutorials. It is suggested by the WordPress Codex that the @import method is no longer deemed as best practice due to page load time. Learn CSS from Code Academy includes 6 lessons. CSS is an important skill that every designer and developer should learn, so we hope this post has given you a nudge in the right direction! MOBILE MENU ICON ( HAMBURGER ) .mobile_menu_bar:before { }, 2. MODULE .et_pb_newsletter.et_pb_subscribe { }, 2. LOGO #Logo { }4. Classes and IDs are selectors that can be used to diversify elements and the styling thereof even further. If you’re working on a live website, you’ll need to access the theme files via the server. I am going to use the text module for simplicity. Additionally, a minified JS and a very basic CSS file is loaded on the first page visit. In CSS, commands are run from the bottom up. Go to the "General" tab (it should be the current one). While styling each individual module is a good method for some, particularly users who require an easy- insert-and-edit option, others may find this process tedious as keeping track of the small nuances set within each individual model can be a pain. VOLUME BAR BACKGROUND .et_pb_audio_module .et_audio_container .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal- volume-total{ }, 1. PREVIOUS SLIDE{ }, 2. Receive notifications about our new blog posts. Welcome to the unofficial Divi subreddit, the number one place on reddit to discuss Elegant Themes' flagship WordPress template. Using a Divi child theme will safeguard your website from parent theme updates, All of your website’s styling will be stored in one place that is easy to access and edit, Great for large websites, using a child theme will allow you to use and enqueue multiple stylesheets for better organization of code, Setting up a child theme can take a bit of time. The most important file in the child theme is the functions.php file as it will enqueue the parent theme (Divi). Learn to overcome those limitations with style through CSS. Navigate to the right-hand side Inspect Element window and you’ll be able to see the new CSS Class name (highlighted here in yellow). Code is written in such an intricate manner that something as simple as adding a punctuation mark in the incorrect place will completely throw the entire operation off, rendering your theme, and website, broken. DESCRIPTION .et_pb_promo_description p { }, 5. Much easier to have it in one place! If you have a caching plugin or system in use, your browser could be serving up a cached version of your page which is why you aren’t seeing your changes. GALLERY GRID TITLE .et_pb_gallery_grid .et_pb_gallery_title { }, 3. The #1 resource for using CSS with Divi. If you’d like your changes to affect only certain modules within a row, this is how you can make your CSS more specific. Of course, this includes CSS. Brent asks "Is it possible to change the font size in only one text module with CSS in Divi?" Once the style tag has been added, you can add various properties and values. The course is up-to-date with an overview of Divi 4.0 and the Theme Builder and remember, you get lifetime access when you join for future course updates and add-on lessons! We recommend using the One-Click Child Theme plugin. Consider the free Intro to HTML and CSS course from Udacity. Once all of the files have been added, you can then add the child theme to your website, described in detail in the How to Install a Divi Child Theme? Once selected, click the Advanced tab and enter a unique CSS Class name. If you have a really large stylesheet you could try and place lines of CSS throughout to help you identify where the error is. Navigate to Appearance > Menus and in the top right of the screen click on Screen Options.. The first part of the course introduces the CSS selectors John tweaks most often when building his Divi sites. Another way for Divi users to add CSS to their website is to use the Divi Builder Page Settings. Generally, all of the Divi tutorials are easy to follow. With a child theme, you can play around to your heart’s content without creating any vulnerabilities in the core (parent) theme’s files. Learn about the most frequently used action and filter hooks provided by Divi. While inspecting the web page or a certain element therein, the website/host compiles all of the information together and presents the page as HTML. HTML Tag Reference HTML Browser Support HTML Event Reference HTML Color Reference HTML Attribute Reference HTML Canvas Reference HTML SVG Reference HTML Character Sets Google Maps Reference CSS CSS Reference CSS Browser Support CSS Selector Reference Bootstrap 3 Reference Bootstrap 4 Reference W3.CSS Reference Icon Reference Sass Reference Intro to HTML and CSS is a free course from Udacity that’s designed for beginners. Slide Description (This usually controls the height of the slider), .et_pb_slider .et_pb_slide_description { }, *It is possible to target the dot navigation individually like so…, .et_pb_all_tabs .et_pb_active_content { }, .et_pb_toggle.et_pb_toggle_open h5.et_pb_toggle_title { }, .et_pb_toggle.et_pb_toggle_open .et_pb_toggle_title:before { }, .et_pb_toggle_close h5.et_pb_toggle_title { }, .et_pb_toggle.et_pb_toggle_close h5.et_pb_toggle_title { }, .et_pb_video_slider .et_pb_video_wrap { }, .et_pb_video_slider .et_pb_video_overlay_hover { }, .et_pb_video_slider .et_pb_carousel_item { }, .et_pb_video_slider .et-carousel-group { }l, Specifies the alignment between the lines inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space, Specifies the alignment for items inside a flexible container, Specifies the alignment for selected items inside a flexible container, Resets all properties (except unicode-bidi and direction), A shorthand property for all the  animation-*  properties, Specifies a delay for the start of an animation, Specifies whether an animation should be played forwards, backwards or in alternate cycles, Specifies how long an animation should take to complete one cycle, Specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing (before it starts, after it ends, or both), Specifies the number of times an animation should be played, Specifies a name for the @keyframes animation, Specifies whether the animation is running or paused, Specifies the speed curve of an animation, Defines whether or not the back face of an element should be visible when facing the user, A shorthand property for all the  background-*  properties, Sets whether a background image scrolls with the rest of the page, or is fixed, Specifies the blending mode of each background layer (color/image), Defines how far the background (color or image) should extend within an element, Specifies the background color of an element, Specifies one or more background images for an element, Specifies the origin position of a background image, Specifies the position of a background image, Sets if/how a background image will be repeated, Specifies the size of the background images, A shorthand property for  border-width, border-style  and  border-color, A shorthand property for  border-bottom-width, border-bottom-style  and  border-bottom-color, Defines the radius of the border of the bottom-left corner, Defines the radius of the border of the bottom-right corner, Sets whether table borders should collapse into a single border or be separated, A shorthand property for all the  border-image-*  properties, Specifies the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box, Specifies whether the border image should be repeated, rounded or stretched, Specifies the path to the image to be used as a border, A shorthand property for all the  border-left-*  properties, A shorthand property for the four  border-*-radius  properties, A shorthand property for all the  border-right-*  properties, Sets the distance between the borders of adjacent cells, A shorthand property for  border-top-width, border-top-style  and  border-top-color, Defines the radius of the border of the top-left corner, Defines the radius of the border of the top-right corner, Sets the elements position, from the bottom of its parent element. If you’ve ever looked at Divi’s core theme files, you’re bound to notice the millions of lines of code. CSS styling can enhance various web elements such as color, style, font size, margins, padding and much more. How to make sweeping changes to Divi’s default styles using CSS within your child themes. If you are unfamiliar, read our post on using child themes with Divi. SLIDE BUTTON .et_pb_slider .et_pb_button { }, 9. To achieve this, place an image module in your Divi layout.I added a background gradient in the content tab to make the text stand out better. 1. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_styles' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css'. Luckily, there’s a quick way to test this. Bookmarking your website provides a resource for resources. 1. It’s designed for both beginners and advanced Divi web designers and works with any WordPress theme. What’s more aspect ratio is important when optimizing images for … In this regard, WordPress executes the code found in both files. Udemy currently has 316 courses that are about or include CSS. With CSS, you can change the color of an HTML element, add drop-shadows, change alignment or positioning, and much, much more. MINUTE(S) LABEL .et_pb_countdown_timer .minutes p.label { }, 6. You’ll be able to offer new services, go after more work, go after larger projects, which helps build your web design business. After download and install, One-Click Child Theme will appear as another menu item within the Appearance tab on your WordPress Dashboard. Next on the list is Codecademy. Use this subreddit to ask questions, show off your Divi creations and meet other Divi enthusiasts. CSS is a styling syntax applied to HTML elements to give them a distinct look and feel. Learn CSS with Divi in mind. HTML Dog has lots of free CSS tutorials for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. During a theme update, the theme developers will reassess the current version of the code present in the theme, and, if required, will make relevant changes or additions where deemed fit. “A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme.” – WordPress Codex. If you’re looking to create an attractive website in a short space of time, browse our collection of Divi child themes. TESTIMONIAL MODULE .et_pb_testimonial{ }, 2. Columns make up rows, from left to right. Sections are the largest part of the page builder. style.css file, also called a stylesheet, houses all of the website’s aesthetic enhancements, any other particular files you’d like to include unique code in, that’ll override the code in the main parent, The Theme Name (the actual name of your child theme) becomes the display name within the Appearance > Themes of the WordPress theme selector. Your email address will not be published. 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